Category 140 gallon system

140 gallon display tank. 60 gallon sump tank. 20 gallon fresh water top off tank.

Water movement

For water movement in the display tank we are using a gyre power head pump. Placing the pump near the top of the tank gives surface agitation. Placing the pump near the corner gives a a circular motion moving water…

Freshwater top-off

A problem with reef keeping is the terminology. For lack of a better term, the industry uses, “top off” or “topping off”. Over time, depending on a few factors such as room temp, humidity and system water movement, the freshwater…

Feeding update

In our 200 gallon system. Copperband Butterfly: Target fed live blackworms and clams so he gets his share of food. The other fish would out compete if food was simply dropped in the tank. And too much food would be…

Where to buy

Part of any system design and build involves gathering information. This process can be time consuming and confusing. Our latest 200 gallon build will highlight what to buy and where to buy as we see it. MarineDepot is a source…

200 gallon Mixed Reef Build progresses

This system will follow the “keep it simple” approach: minimal complexity and components. A big time commitment is often just choosing products and suppliers. For this system, we chose Crystal Dynamic for the tank and stand.